Submit Documents

Submit Documents

At Marshall Michael we have made it easier for you to submit your documents safely and securely. Simply drag files from your File Explorer to the screen below as indicated, or click the button below and upload your files.

Note: Please advise in the “Message” box for the type of document you are uploading (for example, PDF, Word, Excel or bookkeeping data file) and which individual or entity it is in relation to. If you are uploading a company data file, please also advise the version of your MYOB/Quickbooks file and which financial year it is in relation to.

MYOB: MYO, PRM, DAT Quickbooks: QBB, QBW, QBA​

Please note, for privacy reasons only the staff at Marshall Michael will be able to access the documentation submitted electronically.

Our secure document portal uses above industry and compliance standard cryptographic measures to securely save, store and retrieve your personal files. Our website uses SSL technology to encrypt the data between you and our server. It also uses AES-256 bit server side encryption to securely store and retrieve your documents.

If you cannot see the file drop screen below, please click here.

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